Sunday, January 31, 2016

9. d and f -Block Elements - JEE Main - Core Points for Revision

Importance of  Core Revision Points: Core Revision Points are important because if you remember them strongly, many more points related to them will come out of your memory and help you to answer question and problems. Read them many times and make sure you remember them very strongly.

Sections in the chapter - Jauhar

Chemistry of d-Block elements

9.1 Definition and electronic configurations
9.2 General characteristics of transition elements
9.3 General trends in chemistry of transition elements
9.4 General trends in some important compounds
9.5 Occurrence and principles of extraction of iron
9.6 Occurrence and principles of extraction of copper
9.7 Occurrence and principles of extraction of silver
9.8 Occurrence and principles of extraction of zinc
9.9 Occurrence and principles of extraction of mercury
9.10 Steel and important alloys
9.11 Some important compounds of transition metals

9.12 Photography

Chemistry of f-Block elements

9.13 f-Block elements
9.14 General characteristics of Lanthanides and Actinides
9.15 Actinides
9.16 General characteristics of Actinides
9.17 Comparison of Actinide and Lanthanide series


Rao IIT Academy

Updated 31 Jan 2016, 22 May 2015

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