Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Importance of  Core Revision Points: Core Revision Points are important because if you remember them strongly, many more points related to them will come out of your memory and help you to answer question and problems. Read them many times and make sure you remember them very strongly.

JEE Syllabus

Modem periodic law and present form of the periodic table, s, p, d and f block elements, periodic trends in properties of elements atomic and ionic radii, ionisation enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, valence, oxidation states and chemical reactivity.

Study Guide for the chapter - 20 day plan

I want to paste the periodic table in this post. It is important to know the atomic numbers of many elements as well as the group wise elements and periodwise elements. Many times, the answers to questions can be given if we know to which group the elements in the question belong to by analogy to the behaviour of popular elements like Na, Mg, C,N,O,S, and F.

So periodic table is an essential revision

4.1 Development of Periodic Table

Mendeleeve's Periodic Table Video
10.4 minutes


In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitry Mendeleev gave a law known as the periodic law based observations of physical and chemical properties of various elements known to exist at that time.

The law states that: "the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic masses."

4.2 Atomic Number and Modern Periodic Law

In 1942, Moseley, physicist of England discovered a relationship between X-ray spectra and the atomic number of elements.

The equation is SQRT(v) = a(z - b)

Where v is the frequency of the X-ray emitted by an elements and z is its atomic number.  a and b are constants.

He suggested atomic number as the basis of classification of elements.
Modern periodic law may be stated as: "the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic numbers.

4.3 Electronic Configuration

4.4 The long Form of the Periodic Table

A horizontal row in the periodic table is called a period. The elements in a period have same number of electron shells i.e., principal quantum number (n). There are seven periods in the periodic table.

A vertical column in the periodic table is called a group. It constitutes series of elements who atoms have the same outermost electronic configuration.

4.5 Division of Elements into s, p, d, and f-Blocks

s-block elements: The elements in which the last electron enters the s-orbital of their outermost energy level are calleed s-block elements.

4.6 Periodic Properties

4.7 Atomic Radii

4.8 Ionic Radii

4.9 Ionization Enthalphy

4.10 Electron Gain Enthalpy

4.11 Valency

Sections in the Chapter

4.1 Development of Periodic Table
4.2 Atomic Number and Modern Periodic Law
4.3 Electronic Configuration
4.4 The long Form of the Periodic Table
4.5 Division of Elements into s, p, d, and f-Blocks
4.6 Periodic Properties
4.7 Atomic Radii
4.8 Ionic Radii
4.9 Ionization Enthalphy
4.10 Electron Gain Enthalpy
4.11 Valency

Updated on 9 January 2020,   8 Feb 2016,  21 May 2015
First Published on 19 Jan 2008

1 comment:

KVSSNrao said...

Remember Dedeepya today 21 May 2015