Thursday, October 25, 2007

Chemistry JEE Matrix Match Questions

JEE 2007 paper I

Match the chemical substances in column I with type of polymers/type of bonds in column II.

Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 × 4 matrix given in the ORS.

------Column I----------------------- Column II
(A) Cellulose------------ (p) natural polymer
(B) nylon-6,6------------ (q) synthetic polymer
(C) Protein-------------- (r) amide linkage
(D) Sucrose--------------- (s) glycoside linkage


A — p, A — s
B — q, B — r
C — r, C — p
D — s
JEE 2007 Paper II

Match gases under specified conditions listed in column I with their properties/laws in column II.
Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 × 4 matrix given in the ORS.

Column I------------------ Column II
(A) hydrogen gas
(P = 200 atm,
T = 273 K) ---------------(p) compressibility factor ¹ 1

(B) hydrogen gas
(P = 0, T = 273 K)------- (q) attractive forces are dominant

(C) 2 CO (P = 1 atm, T = 273 K)--- (r) PV = nRT

(D) real gas with very
large molar volume------------ (s) P(V – nb) = nRT


A — p, s,
B — r,
C — q, p,
D — p, q
JEE question 2007 paper II

Match the complexes in column I with nature of the reactions/type of the products in column II. Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 × 4 matrix given in the ORS.

(A) O-2^- → O-2+O-2^2- -------(p) redox reaction
(B) [CrO-4]^2- +H^+ → --------(q) one of the products
----------------------------------has trigonal-planar
(C)[MnO-4]^- +[NO-2]^- +H^+ → (r) dimeric bridged
---------------------------------tetrahedral metal ion
(D)[NO-3]^- + H-2SO-4+Fe^2+ → (s) disproportionation


A – p, s
B – r
C – p, q
D – p

JEE Question 2007 Paper II

Match the compounds/ions in Column I with their properties/reactions in Column II. Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 × 4 matrix given in the ORS.

Column I------------------- Column II
(A) C-6H-5CH0------- (p) gives precipitate
-------------------------with 2, 4-
(B) CH-3C≡CH-------- (q) gives precipitate with AgNO3
(C) CN^--------------(r) is a nucleophile
(D) I^- -------------(s) is involved in
--------------------------cyanohydrin formation


A – p, q, s
B – q
C – r, s
D – q, r

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