Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ch.15 Hydrocarbons Core Revision Points

15.1 Classification of Hydrocarbons
15.2 Alkanes
Alkanes are classified as open chain or acyclic alkanes and cyclic or cycloalkanes.

15.3 Nomenclature of Alkanes
15.4 Conformations in Hydrocarbons
Conformations are the different arrangements in a molecule which can be obtained due to rotation around carbon-carbon single bond.
Staggered conformations of ethane and propane are more stable than their eclipsed conformations.
The stability of different conformations of butane is:
anti > skew > eclipsed > fully eclipsed  (gt greater than)

15.5 Preparation and Properties of Alkanes

Chemistry of Alkenes
15.6 Nomenclature of Alkenes
15.7 Isomerism in Alkenes
15.8 Stability of of Alkenes

Chemistry of Alkynes

15.10 Isomerism in Alkynes
15.11 Preparation and Properties of Alkynes

Chemistry of Alkadienes

15.12 Dienes
Dienes are compound containing two double bonds in their molecules.

dienes are of three types: conjugated dienes, isolated dienes, allenes
Conjugated dienes undergo 1,2- and 1,4- addition reactions.

15.13 Stability of Conjugated Dienes
15.14 Delocalization of Electrons
15.15 Electrophilic addition to Conjugated Dienes

Chemistry of Aromatic Hydrocarbons

15.16 Arenes or Aromatic Hydrocarbons
15.17 Nomenclature
15.18 Stability and Structure of Benzene
15.19 Isomerism in Arenes
15.20 Aromaticity (Huckel Rule)
15.21 Sources of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
15.22 Preparation of Benzene and Its Homologues
15.23 Properties of Benzene and Its Homologues

15.24 Mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution Reactions of Benzene
Benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions.

15.25 Directive Influence of Substituents and Their Effect on reactivity
15.26 Polynuclear Hydrocarbons

Chemistry of Petroleum and Petrochemicals

15.27 Petroleum and Composition of Crude Oil
15.28 Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil
15.29 Quality of Gasoline – Octane Number
15.30 LPG and CNG
15.31 Cracking and Reforming
15.32 Petrochemicals