Wednesday, January 16, 2008

IIT JEE Preparation Last 15 days

Many people are giving very useful advice for preparing for IIT JEE. As I keep on looking for more information on the topic, more or more good pieces come into view.

The following advice is from

You have to work around the three pillars of success:
1. conceptual clarity - comes from studying carefully the first time itself to understand each and every sentence. Listen carefully in the class, come back and study the material immediately and then seek clarification from the faculty as early as possible
2. familiarity: Familiarity comes from studying it matter number of times, remembering at appropriate occasions like when it has got link with some other chapters, and helping friends when they have a problem with the chapter.
3. application expertise. : Comes by solving problems first in the textbook, then past JEE question papers, and then various model papers, test papers etc. Participating in olympiad etc, will help.

Guidelines for final round of preparation for IIT-JEE.

15 days before IIT-JEE

Scan all the topics in a stipulated time frame.

Plan your schedule for your revision and exercise.

Start concentration on the topics that you have covered rather wasting time on new topics particularly when exam is just 15 days ahead.

Revise all important concepts and formulae to recall them without any effort or thought.

The IIT-JEE test carries negative marking for wrong answer. So your familiarity with concepts would play a critical role.

7 days before IIT-JEE

Try to plan for Time Management during examination
Divide the total time into components based on total number of questions and your conceptual knowledge.
Develop the habit of gauging question whether you will be able to solve it.

On the day of JEE

You should reach the test centre at least half an hour before the exam.
Some students complain of nausea or headache during the test of just before the test. So keep relevant medicine handy.

During the IIT-JEE

Enter the examination hall in a positive mood to crack the test.

Re-check your stationeries and synchronize your wristwatch with the center’s clock
Invest time in reading the instructions quickly.

Be attentive in filling the information sheet. Clarify even your simplest doubt with the exam supervisor.

Do not use a red pen or pen where data is to be filled with pencil only.

Read all instructions carefully. Also see, which question carry negative marks.
Give all three subjects equal time that means 60 minutes each for physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Concentrate on one question at a time.

Use a diagram or value of constants given in the paper in solving a numerical. If the value is not mentioned, use the one you remember.

Carry out all rough work only in the space given in the paper.

Attempting to solve all questions in haste increases the chances of error. It is better to solve slightly fewer questions faultlessly.

While attempting questions, go on segregating them by putting some identification mark. These questions are from topics that you have prepared

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